Yesterday has been held in Sitael Spa Confindustria Bari/BAT General Assembly.
“Oggi, l’industria di domani” the title of the meeting focused on industry 4.0, with the partecipation of the Minister of Economical Developement Carlo Calenda, the President of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia, the President of Regione Puglia Michele Emiliano, the Major of Bari Antonio De Caro.
SER&P has partecipated with his projects for HevoLAB, research laboratory of Hevolus group, and with Danilo Caivano, Software Enginering Teacher at University of Bari and Chief Research Officer HevoLAB.
Caivano has presented the HevoLAB integrate approach to industry 4.0 improving the customer experience.